Fan Made Transformers TCG Sets
The members of the design team are:
The Ark, The Energon Hustlers, Turbo Revving Old Punks, Legendary Void, Matafer, SearosTelos, Pips and Flips, Bleeped Up Productions, Rogue 247, Blues on Attack, Wreck 'N Rule, Powered By Primus, Mike King, Carl Endres
They are all passionate about this game and their combined
love and effort has been poured into creating new 100% unofficial fan sets.

Below you’ll find links to download the full set of cards included in the The Ark: Wave 1. These sheets are arranged in a way to make it as easy as possible to print and play! Note: These cards are completely free to anyone who wants to play with them.
Turbo Revving Old Punks
Turbo Revving - Phase One


Below you’ll find links to download the full set of cards included in the Turbo Revving - Phase One. These sheets are arranged in a way to make it as easy as possible to print and play! Note: These cards are completely free to anyone who wants to play with them.
Monster Menagerie

Below you’ll find links to download the full set of cards included in the Monster Menagerie. These sheets are arranged in a way to make it as easy as possible to print and play! Note: These cards are completely free to anyone who wants to play with them.